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Lei froze a moment, before erect Shudamuzhi, hum: Your kid cow! Ji Feng suddenly laughed, patted his shoulder and said: Leizi, tory burch sale home immediately busy, and this time tory burch bags may not have much time, you have to help tory burch bags protect Lei-lei, she can no longer harass people, if there is any problem, tory burch bags can find you ! Lei suddenly dissatisfied, said: tory burch bags say crazy, but some rogue you this, you have no time, no time tory burch bags speak more...... tory burch bags This is not to justify, since coming to Yanjing, the old man took tory burch bags tory burch bags home, four visiting friends and relatives, visiting some of the elders, appears to be intended to make contact with some of the things tory burch bags family, so tory burch bags the time is not enough.

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Ji Feng asked, frowning. Zhou did pretty good, Chow runs a large textile group in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces great influence, was called Chew ! Zhang Lei said, Chow is also a very good relationship with the senior Jiangsu and Zhejiang, with Yanjing 's a lot of people very close relationship, regarded as one of the local aristocratic ! Original or wealthy ah...... quarter maple smile shaking his head. Lei disdain hum: What aristocratic, but some people have been implicated and nothing more, would like to chase tory burch bags sister, just do not know what to name it!

